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Americans for Public Trust: Foreign Influence in State Ballot Issues
Poll: Ohioans Overwhelmingly Oppose Foreign Contributions to Ballot Issue Campaigns
Ohio’s Foreign Money Ban on Ballot Initiatives can proceed

Issue 1

is bankrolled by a group funded by Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss. Foreign-funded Sixteen Thirty Fund is a D.C. dark money group that’s shelled out tens of millions of dollars supporting liberal ballot measures across the country.

Issue 1

repeals constitutional protections against gerrymandering. It requires you, the taxpayer, to pay for a commission of unelected bureaucrats, who are unaccountable to Ohioans, to gerrymander state and congressional district lines.

Issue 1

is nothing more than a liberal power grab. The backers of this measure want to redraw your congressional districts and rig the rules, while silencing you and replacing Ohio values with liberal nonsense.
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